Out For Fame™

New in: Grog Stiller

Out For Fame™

SPECTRUM backs graffiti culture since 2009. We're all about the best spray cans, markers, and gear with real-deal knowledge, pushing writers to succeed in the game.

Born from the wild spirit of 90s graffiti, SPECTRUM started with four fellas whose passion ignited a cultural revolution. They kicked it off by self-publishing mags like Garage, Subwaynet, and Graffzoo, eventually building a global network that turned their basement into a treasure trove of rare graffiti books and zines.

In 2002, needing to get the tools and info out to the crew, they launched Graffitishop —Italy’s first online graffiti shop. What started as a passion project became a thriving spot for top-tier tools and publications. By 2009, they took it up a notch with the SPECTRUM graffiti shop in Milan, a go-to hub for both rookies and legends. Right in the middle of Porta Venezia at Via Felice Casati 29, SPECTRUM quickly became the spot for the local scene.

Fast forward to 2022, we embraced the full legacy of Graffitishop, putting both the online and physical shops under one roof. With over 25 years of underground history, SPECTRUM’s still 100% independent, DIY to the bone, and here to push the next generation of writers to fame.

SPECTRUM Graffiti Shop

Via Felice Casati 29, 20124 Milan - Italy

Opening times
Mon: 3:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Tue-Fri: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM / 3:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Sat: 11:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Sun: closed