Nuovo Nero D’Inferno, originally created for dyeing leather, quickly gained its place in the tagging world for its adaptability on various surfaces. This ink is listed among our Marker Refills, and while “New” is just in the name, it stays true to tradition with a bright, glossy, and deeply permanent tint, highly resistant to solvents, UV rays, and harsh weather conditions. Celebrated by tagging pioneers for its outstanding coverage, Nero D’Inferno is available in 5 different sizes in its distinctive black shade. Looking for a refill option for your favorite mops? Try the 25 ml glass bottle of New Nero D'Inferno, complete with a brush.
Ink TypeInk, Alcohol based, Permanent
Available variants
Total 0 pcs: € 0,00
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Nero D'Inferno Nuovo Nero D'Inferno 1000 ml
Markers > Refills
1 color€19,90Unit price /Unavailable -