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Wholetrain Press
Whole Car Poetry Ed. Internazionale

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Wholetrain Press Whole Car Poetry International Edition is a unique project that visually narrates Hepo’s passion for wholecars, a prominent writer in the Italian graffiti scene. The project is accompanied by text written by his alter ego, Frank Veleno, resembling more of a rap verse without music than traditional poetry. This comparison, although unconventional, is essential for truly understanding the artist. In the photos, Hepo is joined by writers such as Ciak, Humen, and Hekto. The images are stunning, and the text reveals a rare talent. The introduction is penned by Trota and Danno of Colle der Fomento. Like other volumes in the Graffiti Books collection, this book stands out for its originality and affordable price. Measurements: 28x18 cm.